Special Dietary Needs

Cafeteria Information

Food Allergies and Other Food Issues

Llano Independent School District



L.I.S.D operates the National School Meals Program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and follows the guidelines for Accommodating Children with Special Needs.


Menu changes may be provided for either:


(1)  Students who have a disability that requires an Individual Education Plan or a 504 plan and also have a special dietary need.


(2)  Students who do not have a disability covered by the Americans' with Disability Act (ADA), but who have a disease that is life threatening or a food allergy that requires immediate medical attention such as an epi pen to treat anaphylactic shock. 


First step is to have a medical doctor who is licensed to practice medicine in Texas to complete and sign the "Request for Dietary Accommodation."  The form is attached to the right on this page. It may also be obtained from the school nurse.


The completed form is to be given to the school nurse.   After the form is evaluated the parent or guardian will be informed if the special need request meets the requirements of the regulations.


For children who do not meet the definition of a disability or who do not have a food allergy or disease that is life threatening that requires alternate menu provisions, our menu located under District Menu on the Llano ISD web page may be used to sort and identify foods or menu items that contain specific allergens.  Our menu is also available as a downloadable app through iTunes App Store or Google play for free search “My School Menus”.  Both menus locations maybe used to sort common food allergens.


Vegetarian Diets: Elementary menus have at least two days and sometimes three days that have non-meat entrée choices.  On days that only have meat entrée options planned, a non-meat entrée option may be served.   Please let the Cafeteria Manager know that your child is interested in a non-meat entrée option daily. Middle School and High School menus have non-meat items planned daily.