Student Meal Account Management
Student Meal Account Management
The management of student accounts is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. All charges are required to be paid in full by the end of each current year. Positive balances are carried over each year. If the student withdraws/graduates, the parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the Child Nutrition Office for refunds or transfers into other student accounts. Amounts under $20.00 can be requested at the register. If the balance is over $ 20.00 a form must be filled out and returned for payment. The payment will be mailed within two weeks. Forms may be picked up at any campus.
The management of student accounts is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. All charges are required to be paid in full by the end of each current year. Positive balances are carried over each year. If the student withdraws/graduates, the parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the Child Nutrition Office for refunds or transfers into other student accounts. Amounts under $20.00 can be requested at the register. If the balance is over $ 20.00 a form must be filled out and returned for payment. The payment will be mailed within two weeks. Forms may be picked up at any campus.